• 2019-10-30 - The Executive Committee of the Department of Statistics have revealed the list of recipients for the Doctoral Student Teaching Award and the Doctoral Student Leadership and Service Award for 2019. Recipients of the awards will be recognized at the Robert Bohrer Memorial Student Workshop in Statistics in April 2020. This is the inaugural year for both of these awards...
  • 2019-10-23 - Senior Lecturer of Statistics, Alex Stepanov was the recipient of the 2019 Teaching Excellence Award by the Illinois Student Government. The Illinois Student Government's Teaching Excellence Awards is a completely student run effort to recognize and thank excellent instructors at the University of Illinois. The Teaching Excellence Award is the highest honor that the Illinois Student...
  • 2019-10-07 - The Department of Microbiology in the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invite applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Microbial Data Science. The appointment will be shared between the Departments of Microbiology and Statistics. Specifics of the appointment will be...
  • 2019-10-07 - The Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for tenure-track assistant professor positions in Statistics and Data Science (100% for 9 months). Areas of emphasis include statistical methods for data science, computational statistics, biological and health sciences, statistical machine learning, causal inference, graphical models and sampling...
  • 2019-09-16 - The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is searching for a full-time tenure track Assistant Professor of Psychology/Assistant Professor of Statistics (joint appointment) whose research interests are statistical methods in the analysis of behavior. Primary research interests can include any area of quantitative methods or quantitative modeling in the social and behavioral sciences,...
  • 2019-08-06 - With an ever-growing demand and interest in the field of statistics, the need for additional faculty and staff to meet this demand is critical in order to educate future data scientists and statisticians of the world. That is why the Department of Statistics at Illinois is pleased to announce the additional faculty and academic professionals joining the department this fall! Expanding not only...
  • 2019-07-19 - Kagen Quiballo, a senior double majoring in Mathematics and Statistics with a minor in Informatics is one of two undergraduates from the University of Illinois to have been awarded the ARL Fellowships for Digital & Inclusive Excellence.  The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Fellowship Selection Committee selected twelve undergraduates from around the nation for the...
  • 2019-06-28 - The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has named Steven Andrew Culpepper (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) as editor of the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS) for the 2020–2022 volume years. JEBS, cosponsored by AERA and the American Statistical Association (ASA), provides an outlet for papers that are...
  • 2019-06-10 - Professor Xiaohui Chen of Statistics has recently won the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) 2019 'Outstanding Young Researcher Award'. This award is presented to young scholars in recognition of outstanding research in statistical theory, methodology, and/or applications. Xiaohui's fundamental contributions to high-dimensional statistics, time series analysis and statistical...
  • 2019-06-03 - Statistics PhD student, Yujia Deng was presented a student award for his presentation at the American Statistical Association (ASA) Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference held at the University of California, Irvine.  Yujia was one of four recipients of the award for their presentations at the conference this year. The Statistical Methods in Imaging conference is the annual meeting of...
  • 2019-05-29 - The Department of Statistics invites applications for Instructor, Lecturer, and Visiting Assistant Professor positions in Statistics and Data Science (up to 100% for 9 months, non-tenure track). Instructor and Lecturer positions are continuing specialized faculty appointments renewable yearly subject to performance and funding. Visiting positions can be renewed up to 3 years subject to...
  • 2019-05-22 - Introducing the Gigabit Girls: Mackenzie Kirkham, Rose Nowak, and Ajaita Saini. This self-named crew of impassioned Illinois juniors are determined to improve the lives of global residents, starting with the City of Champaign. Using their studies in computer science and statistics, these young women working with Technology Services ...
  • 2019-05-21 - The University of Illinois’ Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI), formed to catalyze Health Sciences-related activities on campus and with our clinical partners, is seeking a Director, Illinois Biostatistical Core OR Senior Research Biostatistician whose primary responsibility is to manage the Core and to provide expert biostatistical guidance to the clients. Please visit...
  • 2019-05-09 - Professor Bo Li has accepted an offer to serve a three-year term as Chair of the Department of Statistics effective August 16, 2019. It was announced earlier this year that current Chair, Professor Douglas Simpson, would step down from the role when his term expires on August 16. Professor Simpson had been on sabbatical for the 2018-2019 academic year while Professor Jeffery Douglas had...
  • 2019-04-22 - On Saturday April 20, the Department of Statistics hosted the “New Challenges and Journeys for Statistics in Science Discovery” workshop. Processor Annie Qu organized the third annual event and it featured prominent statistical researchers from across the country. A diverse set of topics were discussed including design of large studies, product sales forecasting, network analysis, personalized...