To serve students who are enrolled in our undergraduate and graduate programs of study, the Department of Statistics uses restrictions to help ensure those students can register for courses they need to complete their degree.

The removal of restrictions does not guarantee available seats in a course.

The removal of restrictions is a manual process that must be done section-by-section, during normal business hours. Therefore, it is impossible to state at exactly what time each restriction will be removed on the given dates.

We do not keep waitlists, nor do we provide overrides for full, closed, or restricted courses. Emails from students asking for overrides or a waitlist may not receive a response. Instructors do not have the ability to override restrictions or capacity.

Level Restrictions for STAT 4xx courses: Undergraduate students must register for sections with UG in the name (e.g., 1UG), and for STAT 430, the section ending in U (e.g., TEU). Graduate students must register for sections with GR in the name (e.g., 1GR), and for STAT 430, the section ending in G (e.g., TEG).

Undergraduate Restrictions

Students in the Statistics and Stat&CS majors should take advantage of their priority registration time tickets to register for courses in the major as early as possible.

Courses numbered above STAT 420 are restricted to students with Senior standing through the first week of registration.

Major-Based & other Restrictions
Class-based Restrictions & Change Dates
Major-based Restrictions plan to be removed...

STAT 100, 107, 200

None, with some seats reserved for first-time freshmen and/or non-degree students.


Unused reserved seats opened during the first week of Fall 2024 instruction.

STAT 207, 212, 420




STAT 385

Open to Stat, Stat&CS, and Econometrics majors.


April 18, 2024

STAT 400




STAT 409

Open to Stat and Stat&CS majors.


April 18, 2024

STAT 410 

Open to Actuarial Science, Math, Stat, and Stat&CS majors


April 18, 2024

STAT 425

Open to Stat and Stat&CS majors.

Seniors only (4/1-4/8).

April 18, 2024

STAT 426

Open to Stat and Stat&CS majors.

Seniors only (4/1-4/8).

August 23, 2024

STAT 443

Open to Stat and Stat&CS majors.

Seniors only (4/1-4/8).


All other 400-level courses.

Open to Stat and Stat&CS majors.

Seniors only (4/1-4/8).

August 23, 2024


Graduate Restrictions

"Stat MS" refers to our general MS and the Analytics and Applied Statistics concentrations. “Stat graduate students” includes these programs and the Statistics PhD program.

Statistics graduate students should enroll in courses as soon as possible. Seats in courses shared by graduate and undergraduate students may shift over time based on demand.



Planned Removal Date

STAT 410

Stat MS

August 23, 2024

STAT 420

None; Not for Stat grad students


STAT 425

Stat MS

August 23, 2024


Stat grad students

will not open

STAT 431

Stat grad students and MS in PARM

August 23, 2024

STAT 432

Stat grad students and MS in PARM

August 23, 2024

STAT 443

Stat grad students

will not open

STAT 480

Stat grad students and MS in PARM

August 23, 2024

STAT 510

Stat MS

August 23, 2024

STAT 511

Stat grad students

August 23, 2024

STAT 527

Stat grad students

August 23, 2024

All other STAT 4xx and 5xx electives

Stat grad students

August 23, 2024