PhD in Statistics Admission

StudentsGraduate work in Statistics requires a strong undergraduate background in mathematics and statistics as well as experience with computing and data. 

Applicants must have earned at least a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college in the United States or a comparable degree from a recognized institution of higher learning abroad. A minimum of 4 years of post-secondary education is required for admission to graduate programs. Applicants that have obtained a 3 year bachelor's degree must also obtain either a 1-2 year post-graduate diploma or a master's degree to be evaluated as having a comparable bachelor's degree. 

The minimum grade point average for admission to the Department of Statistics is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or comparable for international applicants. The GPA for admission only considers the applicant's previous 60 semester hours of undergraduate study or your entire accumulative graduate level course work.  If your undergraduate study is longer than 4 years, additional semesters may be used to calculate the admission GPA.

Applicants enrolled in the final year of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college in the United States or a comparable degree program from a recognized institution of higher learning abroad, and who meet the GPA requirements stated above will be admitted conditionally pending receipt of final academic credentials showing the undergraduate degree as conferred.

International applicants must meet minimum requirements based on their country of origin. 


The University of Illinois Graduate College uses the ‘Slate’ online application system. To use this system, follow the directions at

There is a nonrefundable application fee that varies depending on your citizenship status and/or visa status. Payment may be made online via credit card. For application fee amounts and determination of your fee classification, please see:


PhD Admission – December 15
**We admit new PhD students for Fall terms only** 


PhD Program

Advanced Calculus (MATH 347 or 380) or Real Analysis (MATH 444 or 447)

Statistics and Probability II (STAT 410)

Knowledge of a computer programming language (C++, R, or Matlab)

If the applicant does not meet the undergraduate course work requirements, he or she may complete courses to remove the deficiencies (e.g., Statistics 410 or Mathematics 444 for PhD students) after entering the graduate program. Prerequisite course credits do not count toward the Department of Statistics' credit hour requirements for graduation.


In order to be admitted without deficiencies, an applicant should have earned, at a minimum, credit for the prerequisite course work described above. Prerequisite courses listed above in parentheses are the University of Illinois courses that fulfill these requirements.

A student may be admitted on limited status if his or her pre-admission grade-point average (GPA), which is based on the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate work, is below the Graduate College minimum of 3.0 (A=4.0), or if the academic record shows other deficiencies or nontraditional academic qualifications. After the student has satisfied the conditions imposed, his or her major department will request that the Graduate College change the student from limited status to full graduate standing. No advanced degree will be awarded to a student who has not qualified for, and been granted, full graduate standing.