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Venugopal Veeravalli

Profile picture for Venugopal  Veeravalli

Contact Information

Affiliate Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Statistics
Professor, Information Trust Institute
Professor, Coordinated Science Lab
Henry Magnuski Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Recent Publications

Liang, Y., & Veeravalli, V. V. (Accepted/In press). Quickest Change Detection with Post-Change Density Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1.

Subramaniam, A. M., Magesh, A., & Veeravalli, V. V. (2024). Adaptive Step-Size Methods for Compressed SGD With Memory Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 72, 2394-2406.

Veeravalli, V. V., Fellouris, G., & Moustakides, G. V. (2024). Quickest Change Detection with Controlled Sensing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, 5, 1-11.

Xie, L., Liang, Y., & Veeravalli, V. V. (2024). Distributionally Robust Quickest Change Detection using Wasserstein Uncertainty Sets. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 238, 1063-1071.

Dahlin, N., Bose, S., & Veeravalli, V. V. (2023). Controlling a Markov Decision Process with an Abrupt Change in the Transition Kernel. In 2023 American Control Conference, ACC 2023 (pp. 3401-3408). (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; Vol. 2023-May). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..

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